
Rules & Regulations

Michigan Bowfishing Regulations


BAM Bylaws


Tournament Rules 2024
Note: Read Carefully

  1. It is the responsibility of the tournament participants to know and obey state and local fish, game and
    boating laws.
  2. Fish entries must be taken with bow, compound, recurve or long bow and single point arrow only.
  3. Release forms must be signed and on record for each participant of a tournament.
  4. Registration will close 2 hours after tournament begins. After start of tournament, participants must sign
    sheet at tournament location. Participants are required to register and pay immediately at weigh-in, and
    call or text tournament host to specify:
    a. Numbers or Big 20 or Hobby class
    b. Number of participants
    c. Side pot preferences
  5. There is no limit on the number of miles that you can travel by boat, unless otherwise notified.
  6. All boats will leave from tournament site- NO TRAILERING unless the tournament is a predetermined
    trailering tournament. Tournament host must determine if trailering is permitted and set boundaries at
    annual meeting.
  7. Identification of persons participating is required upon request.
  8. Each team will be allowed the use of one boat during the tournament. If mechanical trouble requires the
    use of another boat, that boat must be inspected before leaving the tournament site.
  9. Tournaments will begin and end at the predetermined times by the sponsoring teams.
  10. A penalty of one fish per minute will be assessed to any team returning late for up to 30 minutes, with the
    largest fish by weight being the first penalty fish. The penalized team will remove penalty fish. Any team
    not reported in by 30 minutes after the end of a tournament will be disqualified.
  11. When arriving at the tournament PLEASE register as soon as possible.
  12. Day and night scouting is permitted up to the start of the tournament. No bows in the boat for the period
    of 24 hours prior to the start of the tournament.
  13. No bait or chumming fish.
  14. Only rough fish are legal. Eligible species of fish will be announced at the pre-tournament meeting. NO
    catfish are allowed towards eligible fish for any tournament.
  15. Suspected transferring of fish between teams will result in disqualification of all teams involved.
  16. No unsportsmanlike conduct will be tolerated.
  17. The decisions of tournament officials will be FINAL.
  18. A formal protest fee in the amount of $50.00 must be made to officials and posted one hour prior to the
    awards ceremony.
  19. Failure to comply with the tournament rules will result in disqualification and entry fee WILL NOT BE
  20. All participants must check out upon leaving the tournament early.
  21. Tournament hosts and sponsors are not responsible for accidents or lost property.
  22. NO AUTOMATIC REFUNDS OF ENTRY FEE. Fees or any portion of fees refunded will be the decision of
    tournament officials and will be based on reason of cancellation.
  23. All airboats or fan motors must have a suitable shroud protecting the fan blades.
  24. Numbers: $30.00 per person, a maximum of 4 adult members per boat. Pay back is determined by the
    number of paid shooters in class. 1-10 paid shooters pay 1
    st place only. 11-20 paid shooters pay 1st and 2nd
    place. 20 or more paid shooters pays 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Fish count is based on total legal fish per boat.
    Participants 17 years and younger are free. No limit for participants 15 years and younger.
    a. $5.00 optional Big 10 side pot, everyone on the team must register to win. 100% payout.
  25. Big 20: $30.00 per person, no limit to number of members per boat. Payback is determined by number of paid shooters in the class. 1-10 paid shooters
    pay 1
    st place only. 11-20 paid shooters pay 1st and 2nd. 21-30 paid shooters pays 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 31-40 paid
    shooters pay, 1
    st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. 41 or more paid shooters pays 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place. Tournament
    rankings are based on the total weight of largest 20 fish. Participants 16 years and younger are free, with
    no limit.
  26. Hobby: $15.00 per person, no limit to number of members per boat minimum of 2 members. Payback is
    determined by number of paid shooters in the class. 1-10 paid shooters pay 1
    st place only. 11-20 paid
    shooters pay 1
    st and 2nd. 21-30 paid shooters pays 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 31-40 paid shooters pay, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and
    th. 41 or more paid shooters pays 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place. Tournament rankings are based on the
    total weight of largest 20 fish. Participants 16 years and younger are free, with no limit.
    a. $5.00 optional Numbers side pot, everyone on the team must register to win. 100% payout.
  27. Team of the Year: To compete for the team of the year you must register your team at the first tournament
    that you attend, and pay $20.
    Team of the year only applies to teams competing in the Numbers
    A team consists of up to 4 shooters and your boat for a total of 5. You must register other
    shooters that will shoot on your team in future tournaments as long as it does not exceed 3 members. No
    substituting of team members once your team has been established. Points will be awarded to whatever
    the majority of an established team is on a given boat. Once you are on an established team you may not
    switch teams or classes. No limit for participants 15 years and younger. The team of the year pots will be
    awarded to the winner at the conclusion of the last tournament.
  28. Team of the year points: Points will be awarded for Numbers Division. 10 points for registration, and 10
    points for weighing in at least 1 legal fish. 1
    st place finish awards 50 points. 2nd place finish awards 40
    points. 3
    rd place finish awards 30 points. 4th place finish awards 20 points. 5th place finish awards 10
    points. Volunteering for the youth shoot 25pts. If a team finishes in the top 5 but is not in the team of the
    year race then those points will not be awarded.
  29. Big Fish Pot: $5.00 per person- Everyone on the team must be registered for the big fish pot in order for any
    one member to win. 80% payback, the other 20% will go to the state shoot big fish pot
  30. No nets or gigs will be allowed in the boat- NO EXCEPTIONS. Gaff hooks with a single hook and less than 4
    feet in length may be used in landing fish.
  31. The awards for tournaments will be given according to the BAM schedule. 90% pay back of registration
    fees per class, the other 10% will go to the classes state shoot prize pot.
  32. Any substitution of team members once the tournament is underway is not permitted.
  33. Tie breakers for points fish, big fish and tournament placement will be determined by the 2nd, 3rd , and so
    forth until a winner is determined between the teams, by weight or length depending on the species of the
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